Twin Cylinder Racing Team

Monday 18 May 2015

Hellas Rally

This was my 3rd Hellas but my 1st in the twin cylinder class. Things started badly with a big navigational error on day 1 and a crash on day 2 resulting in some discomfort in my shoulder for the remainder of the rally.

The next 4 days was just a battle of wills and pain killers. The terrain was a relentless mixture of rocks, hill climbs, fire track roads, switchbacks, washouts, and mountain descents. Many riders either crashed or were unable to complete the event.

Supported by the good folk at Torque Racing I was very happy to finish 4th in the M3 class and to collect a trophy in the twin cylinder class. It was the toughest Hellas to date and great training for Dakar.

I was pleased to know that my navigation skills are still intact, my injuries recieved during Dakar are giving me no problems, and my fitness levels are getting back to where they should be. It's been a tough 4 months of physio & training to get to this point and a trophy was a good start to my Dakar campaign. Next race is my first FIM Baja. The event is in Spain and takes place in July.